Saturday, February 28, 2009

Guess Who This Is

Presenting my edited picture or photo manipulation symbolising certain someone who is famous enough to be known in this whole world.

Novelty, Innovation and Invention

Novelty is the perceived quality of being new. The word “novelty” itself is novel to me because honestly, I have never encountered such word before. Novelty comes when we see something not seen or fresh to us. It brings surprise and excitement. I guess when I first watched the first Jurassic Park movie in the cinema, I happened to have this “novelty” feeling. Graphics of gigantic dinosaurs which seemed to be realistic enough impressed me till my eyes were wide-opened. That is how I put the word “novelty” here.

Innovation means modification of something that has been created into something better and more useful. In other words, it is upgrading an invention. Japanese people are known to be very innovative because they just love to modify inventions that have been made in European countries (especially cars). The Japanese engineers have their own engines for car racing and motorcycle grand prix. Somehow they manage to make their own brands and the brands become popular. For example, Sony came up with the first impressive CD-player which was incredibly popular back in 1980’s. There a lot of inventions that have been made and this has inspired the young generation to edit or to “recreate” them to be something even more futuristic and believable. Well, it was Sony again who invented Discman (disc walkman) which was a dream of every teenager in 1983. The image below shows the picture of the first Discman, D-50.

Creating something new based on pre-existing ideas which involve long thinking process and models that could be references or guidance. The fun thing about inventions is there are no rules to be followed. A failure is a new beginning of invention. Furthermore, Thomas Edison had failed thousands of times before he successfully created a working filament which gives out light. Then, there came the invention of light-bulbs which have been used by us from generation to generation. Just imagine what would be without Thomas Edison’s discovery? We would still be leaving with candles and firewood every night!

This is some simple invention (picture below taken from ) I would like to share with you guys. I find it funny and amusing. It’s weird and creative. In my opinion, this thing might be useful for patients in the hospital or for sick fellows who are having trouble of getting tissues (you know when we’re sick, we tend to get lazy).

Monday, February 23, 2009


If you did something extraordinary, making sense and adored by many people, you would be called a creative person. If you tried to do something extraordinary which people didn’t apprehend, got lost and confused, you would be called crazy.

In order to get creativity, one must think. One must have done a lot of researches especially on great Pablo Picasso or Leonardo da Vinci. Skills and sometimes talents reflect one’s creativity. Furthermore, daring imagination would help enhancing creativity (pushing to the limit). Well, from the lecture notes that are given by my Creative Studies lecturer, Mr. Ahmad Radzi, there is a statement which says writer’s block is a greatest obstacle in the creative process. I think I really like that statement because it reflects that creativity would not be coming to us instantly especially famous writers who are trying to get themselves inspired. It needs a lot of hard-work, sweat and blood to overcome the obstacles of having a creative mind. Perfect practice makes perfect.

Last but not least, I would like to share a few pictures here which show creativity (yeah these are the extraordinary kind of creativity).

The Basket Building (USA), The Crooked Building (Poland), Dancing House (Czech Republic), Piano House (China), Kansas City Library (USA), Sam Kee Building (Canada).

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Creativity? What is that? It's an ability to generate and perform new ideas or solutions to solve certain problems. Creativity obviously involves thinking because it doesn't come just like that. Moreover, creating something different is not easy. Creativity doesn't only include creating or inventing something but also how things are being developed. Things have to be seen in different ways in order to achieve this (for example, mathematical questions).

In my opinion, young kids and children have so-called pure creativity because they tend to do certain things (such as drawing, playing with plasticine and toys) which sometimes are 'out of the box'. We, adults sometimes don't even understand what they are trying to convey in whatever they are doing. Let's say a kid who just scratches the drawing paper with his painted hands. That would maybe get appreciated by a famous artist because it portrays creativity that has never been shown before. One serious problem that we face in our life as we are growing older and older is that we do the same thing in our daily routine such obeying the law, doing what people always tell us to do and going to the same place over and over again (school and office). This causes us to have the tendency to think the same as what other people think also. As a result, we tend to think that a chair is just for sitting, nothing more and nothing less. Meanwhile, small kids would see this chair in a different way, maybe as a living friend with four legs or a defending army fortress.

Therefore, people need to be criticised for getting creative. This helps creative people such as artists and designers to think more using their brains (well, people are considered creative at the moment they use their brains to think) in order to create competitive ideas which people would say, “Wow, unbelievable!”. Mobile phones can now be used for capturing images and video purposes. Who knows if these devices would transport us from one place to another next time? Creativity at times requires fantasy and impossible dreams to make certain things possible.

The image of three clean/neat looking toys posted here shows the trend of popular yet demanding toys nowadays. Same goes to Bearbrick (bear-like 'Lego'). WHY ARE THEY SO POPULAR? This is because they are cute, simple, unique and interesting in so many endless designs (seriously, I really mean endless creative designs).

The pictures ( taken from a video called Cartoon Network Rebrand 2008/09) below show a creative presentation about some random cartoon characters. Why do I think that those images show creativity? It's obvious, isn't it? When you watch this video, creative transitions and characters' appearances make every single thing in that video so catchy. I bet viewers would agree with me! Screenshots taken from the video .

Finally, I guess I stop my first post by now. There still are many stuffs to be posted soon...!