Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Mind-mapping is a creative way of organising data’s in a very quick way to find a solution by looking at the overall arrangement of those data’s. Hence, better ideas can be generated. For example, I have posted the mind-map entitled evil me which portrays my bad habits such as wasting time and getting my work delayed till the last minute to get it done. Well, I do admit I have even done this mind map in the very last minute.

Here are some helpful points (hopefully) taken from link http://www.12manage.com/methods_mind_mapping.html .


-positioning the main idea in the center
-use lots of space, so things can be added later
-colors and capitals are useful. Personalize your map
-look for relationships
-create sub centers for sub themes


-associative, any ideas with many links
-radial, allows you to work in any direction
-overview, helps you to the big picture and relationships between issues

I found something interesting in my lecture about being evil. The interesting point is being evil can be good too. Why? In a way, I guess being evil to help others is not a really bad thing, isn’t it? That is what I think for now but I would like to share another justification or philosophy here which is taken from http://www.dpjs.co.uk/good.html .

“Good is derived from evil. Evil is the father of good, without good evil still exists but not vice versa.

My essay ‘Satan is the Dark Force in Nature’ highlights the evil of the natural world. Not only that but it shows how the good in the natural world is based on evil. This essay goes further. Even the moralistic, conscious and righteous good of Human Beings is based on evil and materialism. The complete picture of the living and natural world is that evil dominates: without evil there would be no good. But without good, there is still evil. To deny evil is to deny good. For us this unholy reality is represented by Satan.”

I honestly think what the writer is trying to say here is logically correct.

“When a mature person accepts that part and parcel of their own happiness is dependent on being a successful social animal, that making others happy makes one self happy, is that person selfish or altruistic? Of course it's plain old selfishness; altruism is surely just long-term selfishness. Altruism is a hypocritical concept”

All in all what I have discovered here is all good stuffs are born from evil. In short, good is based on evil. There are certain incidents which give us some lesson to be learnt whichever is wrong or right.

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